Valenzuela de Calatrava

Holy Week

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The Holy Week of Valenzuela are days of calm, peace, and prayer in which every part of Spain remembers the offering of Jesus and his last miracle. This Holy Week starts on ‘Viernes de Dolores’ with a Mass that is followed by the procession of ‘Virgen Dolorosa’, an image that walks through the streets of the town with a great number of devotes and religious music.

On Palm Sunday the procession of the ‘Borriquilla’ is celebrated. This one ends in the hermitage of ‘Santo Cristo de la Clemencia’, where the palms and olive branches are blessed. The image of Jesus is walked on a procession to the church of ‘San Bartolomé’, is followed by a great number of children and adults that carry the blessed olive branches and palms.

In the Via Crucis, the ‘Cristo de la Capilla’ is shouldered and walks the 14 stations that are scattered in the streets of the town. In each of the stations a reflection is made about the works of mercy and Lenten chants are heard. Normally, this takes place on Holy Wednesday, but it can vary depending on the year.

On Holy Thursday the procession of ‘el Prendimiento y la Vera Cruz’ takes place. The most important image of this procession is ‘Jesús de Medinaceli’, shouldered and followed by 12 apostles that have participated in the Eucharist of the Last Supper. This image is followed by the one of ‘Santa Vera Cruz’ that is accompanied by penitents with a red tunic and a white conical headwear. In this procession, the music of the associations of the town is heard.

On Holy Friday the procession of ‘El Encuentro’ is celebrated. In this procession Jesus and María have a moment full of emotion. Besides, the procession of ‘El Entierro’ takes place in the streets of Valenzuela, which has two images.

Finally, the greatest day is on Easter Sunday: Jesus has won the death and all the town celebrates this miracle with a procession through the streets of Valenzuela to get to the church of ‘San Bartolomé’. The music is cheerful, and the images of Jesus and Maria meet again in a magical environment.

Fiesta de Interés Turístico Nacional Fiesta relacionada con turismo gastronómico


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