Natural heritage

The Large Lagoon

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It is a wetland formed by two small lagoons with a seasonal character that makes the aquatic and hydrophilic vegetation bloom in spring, so the lagoon basin is full of flowers such as buttercups, peaty enclaves, insectivorous plants and remains of peat bog heather.

It is also a Site of Community Importance (SCI) and a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) for birdlife, as there are several aquatic species in winter and a population of migrating cranes, as well as other species of amphibians.

Regarding birdlife and amphibians, the most representative species are: cranes, greylag geese, mallards, little grebes, and amphibians such as the little toad, the Iberian paintbird and the little frog ‘San Antonio’. It is therefore considered an essential biotope for the conservation of biodiversity.


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