Located in the plain zone of La Mancha, in the north-east of the province, we can find a great white population with wine smell, it is called Tomelloso. Is in the apex of union of Cuenca, Albacete and Toledo.
At 662 metres of altitude, a total plain relief limited to the southeast by some hills of 800 metres, is located the ‘monte’ which marks the beginning of the Campo de Montiel. The Guadiana River borders the serene border of Tomelloso on the south and west.
The zone starts being populated in 1530 in some parts of the village of Socuéllamos, around a well that was used by the shepherds of the zone in order to give drink to their cattle, that was called the Pozo Tomilloso. This place was located close to an old town, in the crossing of the paths of the Cañada Conquense with a lane (generally devoted to the cattle pass) with destination Alhambra; also, the Camino Real of Carreteros that lead to Valencia and Murcia was close to this well too.
The periods of subjugation or independence between the village and the mother village were continuous, a struggle that ends approximately between 1758 and 1764. Also, it is in this period when the neighbours begin to cultivate vineyards to complete the massive work of cereal, although it will be during the last quarter of the nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth century when the vine and wine become the most important activities of its economy, of its culture and wealth.
Among the most popular festivities celebrated in this city, the one that highlights the most is probably the Carnival. In this celebration, a great number of people take part, that is what make the carnival a funny celebration. The most important activity is the Scholar Parade on Carnival Sunday; this was declared of Regional Touristic Interest. This March weekend is a good moment to visit the city and enjoy a few days of costumes, magic, and fun.
Forty days after the carnival, the Holy Week takes place. Some attractive processions that count with different steps and brotherhoods are celebrated. These stand out for their sobriety and participatory spirit, with the participation of seventeen confraternities and brotherhoods; highlights the Procesión del Silencio. There are a great variety of cultural activities related to religion such as exhibitions or conferences.
The last weekend of April is the pilgrimage to Santísima Virgen de las Viñas, declared a Festival of Regional Tourist Interest. The most important day is Sunday, when the Patron Saint of Tomelloso is honoured in a popular celebration marked by joy, companionship, welcoming visitors, religiosity and the showy and traditional parade of tractors and decorated carts. It takes place in the sanctuary of La Pinilla, four kilometres from the town, in the direction of Pedro Muñoz.
The Fair takes place from August 24 to 30. Is an incredible week of fun that pay tribute to the Virgen de las Viñas. Is one of the most important in Castilla-La Mancha, plagued by varied activities and rejoicing from agri-food days, sports competitions, cultural competitions (the Festival of Letters), musical contests or the Grape Harvest Festival, with the production of the first musts. For some years, a week before (15 August) the International Folklore Festival "Ciudad de Tomelloso" has been held.
The other two festivities that are quite interesting, both cultural and religious, are that of San Antón on January 17, when the patron saint of the animals is honoured with traditional bonfires and barbecues, and that of San Isidro on May 15, with a pilgrimage to the hermitage of the patron saint of farmers.
Fiesta popular marcada por el júbilo, la alegría, el compañerismo, el acogimiento de los visitantes y...
La mañana del domingo de Carnaval tiene lugar en Tomelloso un peculiar desfile organizado por las 14...
Año tras año son más las personas que abarrotan las calles de Tomelloso, atraídos por unas fiestas de...
En Tomelloso existe una importante devoción por San Isidro, patrón de los agricultores y las labores...
This great agro-city located in La Mancha preserves a great patrimony of culture and traditions. The people of this city are known as lively and working, they receive tourists in an incredible way and recite some of the poems of Eladio Cabañero. They also take the tourists to the local Casino in order to show them where Plinio was seated net to his best friend Don Lotario to have a chato while they solved police cases in the novels of García Pavón. They also describe tourists some of the pictures of the famous painter Antonio López Torres, that can be founded in the Antonio López Torres Museum. A great number of important painters and writers were born in this beautiful city.
The main square of Tomelloso is incredibly great, here it is possible to see a white building which is the Town Hall. Also, in this square it is possible to find the Church of Ntra. Sra. De la Asunción. Just in front of the Church, a traditional building called Posada de los Portales is located. This square leads to one of the most important streets of the city, which is the commercial axe. In most of the streets that are close to the square it is possible to find traditional shops where it is possible to buy wine, and a great number of typical products of the zone. Besides, in Tomelloso, it is possible to find a lot of restaurants that are suitable for all the tastes. Also, there are some streets that are really suitable for have a walk and enjoy the interesting buildings of the end of the XIX century and middle of XX.
It is highly recommendable to walk through the great caserío blanco which counts with familiar caves in the undersoil, they are connected with the exterior by the “lumbreras”. In this city you will find some parks, bars and restaurants. While you walk the city it is compulsory to visit the different museums. Some of them are the Antonio López Museum, the Bombo Museum, Contemporary Museum, the Posada de los Portales and the Bull-Fighting Museum.
Also, it is important to know the past and the wine present of the city; you can discover this experience by visiting some of the wineries. In the same way, it is important to have a look at the great chimneys that are located in different point of the town. These chimneys were used to made alcohol.
Finally, so close to Tomelloso, we can find the spot of Pinilla, where the Sanctuary of the Virgen de las Viñas is located. It is a beautiful place to visit where you can enjoy the nature. In this place, the pilgrimage is celebrated with a great number of chariots and horsed decked out.
Esta Iglesia tiene planta en forma de cruz latina, con su cúpula y naves laterales, siendo su fábrica...
Declarada BIC el 1 de marzo de 1982, este albergue situado en un lateral de la plaza es uno de los edificios...
El Santuario de la Patrona de Tomelloso se sitúa en un lugar llamado la Pinilla, a cuatro kilómetros...
Las chimeneas de las antiguas fábricas de alcohol hoy, son a modo de grandiosos monolitos que decoran...
Las chimeneas de las antiguas fábricas de alcohol hoy, son a modo de grandiosos monolitos que decoran...
The great natural and scenic value of Tomelloso is found in the great plain with the endless rows of vineyards and in its sky of beauty changing according to the seasons. Depending on the season of the year, the colour of the landscape can vary between green or ochre. There are popular architectural features such as casillas and bombos of an intense white colour.
There are in some areas patches of scrubland, with coscojas and carrascas. In the area of Pinilla there is still a compact grove very suitable for a quiet afternoon snack.
Tomelloso is part of the following tourist routes:
El paisaje de La Mancha se caracteriza por ser plano y en él dominan los cultivos agricolas. Poseemos...
La Ruta Francisco García Pavón que ofrece el ayuntamiento de Tomelloso intenta conseguir que los visitantes,...
Este Museo se forma cuando Antonio López Torres (1902-1987), pintor realista manchego, decide donar su...
El Museo del Carro y Aperos de Labranza es un museo etnográfico en Tomelloso que se construyó en los...
El Museo Taurino nació como una Peña Taurina en mayo de 1956. Aunque fue disuelta en los años 60, se...
El Museo es inaugurado en 2011 por la infanta Elena. En sus más de 1700 metros cuadrados de espacio se...
Las Bodegas Verum tienen cientos de años de historia; los antepasados de la familia López Montero, fundadores...
La Bodega Casa de Pueblas se encuentra en una finca familiar a las afueras de Tomelloso. Con un viñedo...
Bodegas Centro Españolas, una increíble empresa familiar, fue fundada en 1991 combinando las tradiciones...
Bodegas San José es una bodega tradicional de Tomelloso con tinajas. Se le conoce también como la Veredilla,...
Situada en la carretera de Ruidera, la bodega Casa Quemada es un referente vinícola de la zona. Realmente...
La Vinícola de Tomelloso se originó en el año 1986, momento en el que 28 familias de viticultores hacen...
Bodegas Lahoz es una empresa familiar localizada en el término de Socuéllamos, aunque al encontrarse...
Los vinos de la Bodega Viña Ruda son únicos en la zona de la Mancha. Sus equipos trabajan en sus modernas...
Con sede principal en Tomelloso y sede secundaria en Arenales de San Gregorio (solo con bodega, a partir...
There are different types of crafts in the great local term of Tomelloso. Among its population we can find modists, restorers, carpenters, metal artists and furniture decorators, and more.
Reservations, brandy, liquor, mistela, vermouth.
D.O.P. Manchego cheese
I.G.P. Melon from La Mancha
I.G.P. Pan De Cruz (Cross bread, it is called in this way because in the middle of the bread we can find the shape of a cross).
M.C. Onion of La Mancha
Traditional pastries in bakeries and pastries.
Very local are the wine offices, traditional shops with a variety of food products from the land.
In Tomelloso you have to taste the excellent migas, the gachas, the empedrao, the pisto, the asadillo veraniego and the lamb stew. Other products that really highlight are the Easter sweets: rosquillos and flowers. A very tasty and little-known traditional peculiarity are the desserts of the recollection of the grape period: the must cakes, the mostillo and the arrope.
The bread of Tomelloso still tastes like bread, made in an artisan way to get the best flavour. It can be bought with mantecaos, pastas floras and other very tasty pastas in the different bakeries distributed through the city.
During the XVIII century, with the cereal, begins to cultivate the vine in the town, reaching a great apogee during the last quarter of the XIX century and the first half of the XX, until becoming almost in the unique crop of the town. The enormous wine production, with the geographical situation made it difficult to communicate with other populations a great number of alcoholics were created between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, which reduced the volume of production and facilitated transport and marketing. Many of these chimneys, already disappeared, can be seen today following an interesting route through the town.
Tomelloso has continued its wine production in an unstoppable way and today is the world’s leading producer of wine alcohol. It currently has the largest and most important wine cooperative in Europe: the Virgen de las Viñas Cooperative. There are other wineries no less important, such as the S.A.T. San José or the Allozo Centro Españolas.
Inside the village itself there is a tourist route to know the wine past of Tomelloso: following a few guided paths we will discover the location of the old spirits where the wine was stored before being exported, watching their chimneys and learning how they worked.
Road: CM-42; N-310; CM-3102; CM-3109; CR-1225
Train: http://www.renfe.com/ station of Cinco Casas at 25km.
Bus: Samar, Francisco Gómez e Hijos, Inter Bus, Aisa, Mombus, Tabita Tour and Sair Tour.